Page 13 - PRIVATE
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the headline of Aftonbladet: ”Sex Party at Sea” and with an article describing the situation on board where models are treated as sex slaves. Luck turns on Berth. The stock price drops and the trade fair is off, with the consequence that Norell is stuck with liquor he can’t sell. Berth attacks the paper, calling it all a lie and prepares for a lawsuit.
Senior, Van der Erde and Blom (released from prison) meet with Schmidt who says there will be a raid against Private’s office in Stockholm. Senior later calls Abrahamsson about the information and a new headline follows: ”Tax raid on Berth Milton” with photos of people from the IRS carrying out boxes from Private’s office. The raid is all over international news and someone is dumping large volumes of Private stocks. Also, the students at Natasha’s university pick up the news and dig into the world of Private. It doesn’t take long before they all know that Natasha is a former porn model. Her parents shut her out and she returns to a new Private set with Couturier as the director. Norell tells Berth about the Hells Angels problem but Berth can’t help him, his whole empire is at stake. Norell needs to sort this out on his own. Later, Blom pays Norell a visit at his apartment in Stockholm. He wants the money Norell owes the Hells Angels for the liquor he bought for the trade fair but most of all he wants to know Berth’s whereabouts. Norell refuses to give out any information about Berth and is severely beaten up by Blom. At the same time while filming the interviews, Abrahamsson gives Senior the information that Berth and Jenny will settle in court in Barcelona, news that also reaches Blom.
In Sweden, the tax investigation is in full swing, which has created a crisis of confidence in Berth as CEO. At the board meeting Berth is heavily pressured by representatives from the investment bank Fidelity who sees Berth as a liability, he can still be owner but not the CEO - the tax raid, the nosediving stock price, bad work conditions, rumors of sex slaves, numerous scandals and now a no go for Private’s Frankfurt IPO. It’s in the best interest of the company. Fidelity’s and other major shareholders’ proposal for CEO is Van der Erde.
Erika promises Berth that she will vote in Berth’s favor. Rodriguez’s vote is decisive but despite his earlier promise, he votes against Berth. Rodriguez did it for Berth, he was seeing that Berth was becoming like his father: becoming consumed by the company, wanting total control. When Berth and Erika return home Blom has Jenny at gunpoint. Blom points the gun at Berth and says that he wants what Berth owes him, then he’ll leave. Berth is able to talk Blom out of the situation and lets him go, this time without calling the police. Jenny is shaken by the incident and although she and Berth have become closer during the last weeks, this proves that she can’t live with him. She wants to settle the custody as planned. Alone in the house and with Blom’s gun in hand, Berth starts to drink heavily. Out on the terrace, he aims the gun in all kinds of directions, going ”BAM! BAM! BAM!”. He then drops it and bursts out in tears.
When Berth and Jenny meet with their respective lawyers, the negotiations about custody starts. Berth sits there and listens to the demands put forth, deep in thought, seeing his life pass by – situations which all include families being split up. Berth suddenly stops the lawyers, then says: “Sorry for interrupting. I want to withdraw the complaint.” Berth comes from a broken home and he doesn’t want to break up any more families, he wants peace. He agrees to see the kids every other weekend and to pay Jenny a monthly allowance. Berth realizes that Senior is behind all menace and decides to settle with him once and for all.
When Berth boards Senior’s sailing boat, he is not there. A boat neighbor tells Berth that Senior hasn’t been on the boat for a long time and he believes Senior is in hospital. When Berth visits Senior at a mental hospital, Senior is not to be recognized. He has no recollection of who Berth is and the nurse says that Senior’s mental illness is at a stage where there is no turning back. Berth tries to talk to Senior, but Senior is gone. Berth returns to Senior’s boat to clean up the mess. Just paper cuts from Abrahamsson’s articles and notes that describe Senior’s connections to Schmidt and Van der Erde. Senior has copies of documents from the case files, all sent to him by Schmidt. It gives Berth some evidence to prove that Schmidt has had a conflict of interest. Then, he spots some video tapes – Abrahamsson’s unedited interviews with Senior. There is a TV and an old VCR on the boat. He inserts the tape. Finds himself face to face with his father, one last time. The tapes reveal a father that admires his son, ”a tough bastard but too stubborn. If we had worked together, we would have created magic”. Berth is blank, he leaves the boat with the tape running. He hears Senior’s voice: ”He is my son, he will always be my son.”

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