Page 9 - PRIVATE
P. 9
The next day Berth tells Van der Erde that he’s not going to sell Private, instead he has an offer. Van der Erde gets to keep the distribution deal on the magazine but at a lower commission, instead Berth will attach a porn video to the magazine and sell it at a higher price - Van der Erde will make more money altogether. Van der Erde is taken by surprise, Berth is not the school boy he once met ten years ago, and agrees to the deal.
Berth is now a Spanish resident, but decides that Private needs two offices - one in Barcelona and one in Stockholm. He needs to be close to Peter. He forms a subsidiary of Private called Milcap, which will produce the films. That will keep Van der Erde out of the loop, as he only has a distribution deal on the magazine. Months go by and Berth shares his time between Barcelona and Stockholm but now fully involved in Private, he sees less and less of Peter. He forgets about birthdays and makes promises to Peter that he can’t keep. Karin becomes more and more convinced that Berth is not going to sell Private as promised and brings him the news that she has met someone, a Swiss investment banker, Klaus. She’s moving to Zürich with Peter. Berth realizes that there is nothing he can do about it.
The idea with a video attached to the magazine proves a hit and Private starts to make money. But Berth is not happy with the films they make, everything looks a bit rundown, and Berth wants something new and fresh. Berth reaches out to Norell who still hasn’t forgiven him for bailing out on the Ibiza deal. Water under the bridge and Norell is Private’s new film producer.
Berth visits Senior who is slowly getting better. Senior is happy for everything Berth has done for him - the apartment, the credit cards, the friendly nurse and most of all, the sailing boat. Senior is pleased to hear that Private is now profitable and that the risk of bankruptcy is no longer an issue. Senior is also glad that he and Berth are on speaking terms again and Berth is happy to move on and leave the past behind.
Berth hires an interior designer, JENNY, to decorate Private’s new office in Stockholm. Berth can’t hide his interest in her and asks her out on a date. She is hard to get but falls for Berth’s persistent courtship. Jenny is not too happy about Berth’s line of work, but she likes the good life. Private’s valuation is still too low for Berth’s liking, and Erika has trouble finding buyers in the range Berth is looking for. Berth has a plan, the films need to have a story and with the same production value as Hollywood films, but even more important - they need to have a superstar, a leading actress who the mainstream public will accept. Private shall bring porn to the households and make everything above the board and focus on penetrating the US market. Berth will finally be able to sell off Private and retire from the porn business to focus on his passion for real estate. Berth visits Peter in Zürich. Klaus has older kids of his own and pays little attention to Peter. Karin says that everything is fine, but Berth feels that something is not right. Berth takes Peter on a boat trip on the lake and for the first time they bond over that they have something in common, boats. Berth promises Peter that he’ll be back soon. Berth feels that he’s getting the pieces together. He loves Jenny, he connects better with Peter and above all, he and Senior seem to be able to have some sort of relationship.
One night, Berth invites Senior to have dinner with him and Jenny at a restaurant in Stockholm. Senior looks strong and healthy and far from the drunk and miserable man back in Marbella. Senior is fun and charming and tells stories from the past. When he brought Berth with him on business trips to Amsterdam and Hamburg and how Berth learned the trade the hard way. But slowly Senior starts to drink and he refers to Berth as ”Junior”. Berth tries to lead the conversation in another direction, but Senior is not to be interrupted. The stories become more and more risqué and Jenny starts to feel uncomfortable. Senior lays out his comeback plan to run the company with Berth. When Jenny says that Berth is going to sell Private, Senior becomes upset. Berth says it’s in Senior’s best interest, it’s time to let go of all the trouble the company has caused. Senior becomes erratic, it’s not up to Berth to decide whether to sell or not. When Berth explains that he bought the company from Senior, everything changes. Senior starts to yell at Jenny, calling her all sorts of names and accusing her for being part of stealing the company. Senior starts to throw plates and glasses around and Berth and Jenny leave.
Berth cuts Senior’s allowance and credit cards, and gives the nurse six months notice with pay.