Page 8 - Art at VIPERGEN Korr
P. 8

Asger Harbou Gjerdevik: Tordenskjold #1, 2017-18. Mixed media on textile, 146 x 112 cm.
Asger Harbou Gjerdevik’s paintings are expressive and colour-saturated. The artist works with broad brushstrokes and with a collage-like approach to his compositions, where several parts and elements create a unified visual expression. The work Tordenskjold #1 is composed of a patterned background, areas of color in broad brushstrokes and graphic lines that follow the outline of a portrait. The curved letters form the word Tordenskjold and in the right corner, the artist alludes to the word continuing out of the picture frame and possibly into infinity. It is a characteristic feature of Asger Harbou Gjerdevik to include well-known elements from everyday life and pop culture in his works, and thus it is also found in this work due to the associations with the classic match packets with Tordenskjold’s portrait. Asger Harbou Gjerdevik has taken this small everyday object out of its usual context, enlarged it several times and then processed it in a painterly method that envelops the recognizable with a mysterious and surprising expression.
Asger Harbou Gjerdevik (1986, DK) lives and works in Berlin. He holds an MFA in painting from the Royal College
of Art, UK. Asger Harbou Gjerdevik has exhibited at CCA Andratx, ES; Politiken’s Forhal, DK; Art Association GL STRAND, DK; Alice Folker Gallery, DK; The Danish Embassy in London, UK; The Free Exhibition Building, DK; Philip Haverkampf, DE; Kunsthalle E-Werk, DE, and Collyer Bristow Gallery, UK. Asger Harbou Gjerdevik has received the Remmen Foundation Art Award and the Embassy Art Award. His works are part of the collections at Copenhagen Municipality and Lyngby City Council. Asger Harbou Gjerdevik is represented by Alice Folker Gallery.

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