Page 64 - Art at Mayfair Tunneln
P. 64

 Urd J. Pedersen: Generøs bedrager (Generous deceiver), 2022.
Oil on canvas, 97 x 139 cm.
Urd J. Pedersen paints seemingly undramatic everyday actions that take place in privacy. And yet an ambivalent atmosphere appears in the work. The relaxed scene seems to have an undercurrent of exertion and the anonymity of the pictured person borders the unheimlich. With Urd J. Pedersen there is often an off-putting mood. She has told that she is often inspired by her own life, the pursuits she undertakes, and the feelings she is overwhelmed by daily. There is
an intuition in the brushstrokes that reflect the atmosphere and underlines the idea that the mood in the work
origins from Urd J. Pedersen herself. Her way of presenting sensations and feelings, like a window to another mind, has the potential to create an emotional recognition with the viewer. A relation arises between us and the painted character, and the identification opens new human insights.
Urd J. Pedersen (1989 N) has an MA from The Academy of Arts in Oslo. She is represented at The National Museum of Art, Architecture, and Design in Oslo. Urd J. Pedersen has exhibited her works at QB Gallery, N: STANDARD, N; Pyton Site, N; Kistefos Museum, N; Kristiansand Exhibition Hall, N; Akershus Art Center, N, and Galleri Tom Christoffersen, DK. Urd J. Pedersen also creates music, and she collaborates with both American and Norwegian record labels.

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