Page 39 - Schaeffler Brandplaybook
P. 39

(creation & usage e.g., OPTIME. TriFinitiy wheel bearing, TruPower)
Schaeffler is regularly ranked among the most innovative companies in Germany. Our innova- tions and new technologies with significant business potential present a huge positioning opportunity for the Schaeffler brand. For these cases, we suggest the use of unique and dif- ferentiating marketing names.
Marketing names are creative names that, for example, consist of multiple or compound words, invented terms or that simply integrate foreign words. They allow for greater recogniti- on and storytelling, but they also require more intense communication for activation, as their meaning might not be totally self-explaining. And they can be more easily registered for trademark.
Product names
     Innovative, foward- looking, digital, market trends, future-proof, visionary...
e.g. VisionDrive
Sectors (wind, rail, ..). movement progress, action, rotational, pla- netary, friction, ...
e.g. AutoMotion
For the development of our marketing names, we defined specific meaning spaces. These meaning spaces reflect Schaeffler’s key positioning topics as well as customer bene- fits. They help to make sure that all our marketing names evoke relevant associations in line with the positioning of our Schaeffler brands.
Descriptive names, in contrast, are more general in use, which makes it also more difficult to protect them from com- petition. They are great to name our core offerings that offer little potential for differentiation or that don’t particularly drive the innovative positioning of our Schaeffler brand.
    Sustainable efficent, quality, durability, variety, fast, secure... e.g. DuraDrive
Customer benefit / value proposition
A new marketing name should address at least one of the three meaning spaces – ideally it evolces associations connected to all three

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