Page 9 - Middle East
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Providing Fascinating Travel Experiences
  Why visit Egypt?
Egypt is discovered through a trip on the Nile, its mythical river, over which we discover pharaonic temples gradually. These constitute the Egyptian cultural heritage, one of the richest in the world, and one of thebestpreserved.EgyptisalsothePyramidsofGiza,thedesert, Cairo and the Red Sea. A trip to Egypt will be ideal for those who love history coupled with breathtaking tours in the footsteps of antiquity. Pyramids of Giza: The Pyramid of Cheops is the only one of the 7 wonders of the world that still exists. The Giza Sphinx is the largest monolithic monumental sculpture in the world.
Luxor and its environs: In the present city, the temple of Luxor dedi- cated to the god Amon, was built at the request of Amenhotep III, then its construction evolved under Tutankhamun and Ramses II. It is recognizable by its sphinx alley and its two obelisks. Three kilometers north of Luxor, the temples of Karnak still represent today the largest religious group in the world.
Valley of the Kings: The opposite bank to Luxor has a large number of tombs of ancient dynasties which constitute a part of the great necrop- olis of the ancient Thebes (Luxor today). The temple of Hatshepsut cannot be missed. The more recent temple of Hathor, in Dendera, enjoys good conservation which allows to admire the paintings inside. You can explore the Valley of the Queens, always from Luxor, whose tomb of Nefertari is the most beautiful.
Philae: South of Aswan, the temple of Philae has incredible beauty. Submerged by the waters until the 70s, it shines today. It was Isis who
was venerated there.
Abu Simbel: Probably the most impressive and famous temples, the two temples of Abu Simbel are famous for the four huge statues posted at the entrance, in honor of Ramses II.
Aswan: The mausoleum of Aga Khan overlooks the city of Aswan and the Nile Valley. Behind this mausoleum, we discover the monastery of St. Simeon, the largest and oldest Romanesque church in Egypt. The visit is superb. The temple of Akhétaton and its archeological site are to be seen in Tell el-Amarna. Further north is the site of Kom Ombo and its temples of Sobek and Haroeris who worship many gods.
Sinai Peninsula: In the land of symbols where Moses would have received the tables of the Law, one can climb Mount Sinai to enjoy the sunrise, and on the way down, visit the masterpiece of St. Catherine, a monastery built in the 6th century and whose activity has never stopped.
  Why Egypt?
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