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The Drinks & Links programme was started three years ago. We have held a series of career-related networking events for OOs of all generations, but with a particular emphasis on people already established in their careers passing on the benefit of their experience to younger OOs.
We all hear much about the ‘old boy network’, yet, despite having alumni in extremely senior roles across the UK and global economies, historically we were not good at sharing our knowledge to the benefit of young OOs embarking on their careers. The
Drinks & Links programme is changing this and provides OOs with a ready-made network of people, at various levels of seniority, in industries of interest to them.
Our events have generally focused on individual sector ‘verticals’, including property, law, insurance, media and recruitment, although in 2016 we also held a very successful regional event in Newcastle, codenamed ‘The Northern Powerhouse’, which brought together a diverse group of OOs working in a range of sectors, based in the North-East, and large numbers of students from
universities in the region, notably Newcastle, Durham and Leeds.
In the autumn of 2018 we plan to host an event focused on careers in The City and we also hope to arrange another regional event, perhaps in the South-West. Information will be sent out by the OO Club.
Drinks & Links events combine two of the typical OO’s favourite activities – chatting and drinking - with the added element of industry or region-specific networking. These events are useful and fun – do come along.
Drinks & Links
Guy Beresford (B 81), head-hunter and OO Careers Rep, explains the reasoning behind the OO Club’s Drinks & Links programme
      Property - from a practical perspective
Independent consultancy advice ranging across:
Property portfolio optimisation and rationalisation; Individual site development opportunities; Project management;
Civil and environmental engineering.
07901 118818
Mark Hirst: St A 77

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