Page 4 - Z-Business News -January 2018
P. 4

Z-BUSINESS NEWS Monthly Bulletin JA
NUARY 2018
offs that come with Brexit,” says Lowe. “There is a hope that when and if they do come clean, then there will be a moment where the country goes, ‘Ah. Do we actually want to do this?’”
Perhaps to head this off, there are increasing signs May could steer toward some sort of Brexit-in-name-only. Brexit Secretary David Davis said on Jan. 24 that the U.K. would stay close to the EU’s regulatory regime post-Brexit. It’s this prospect that led Farage to propose his own version of a second vote, where the public would be asked to af rm that they really do want to leave the EU, on the hardest terms. He doesn’t have the weight to deliver that on his own, but, as with the last Brexit referendum, there’s a chance he could get the support of one of the Tories’ biggest hitters, Johnson.
The man known universally as “Boris” has recently been making a semi-public push for bigger, bolder ideas from the government. It’s de nitely possible that he could lead a revolt against May, crying Brexit betrayal. When asked on Janu- ary 15, 2018 about a rematch, Johnson sounded unenthusiastic. “It was some- thing that caused an awful lot of heartache and soul-searching, and everybody went through the wringer on it,” he told the Guardian. “I’m not convinced that the public is absolutely gagging for another Brexit referendum.” But Johnson has shown he’s capable of reversing himself. He’s looked uncomfortable in the role of foreign secretary. Perhaps what he needs is to reprise his starring role in Brexit Referendum: The Sequel.
BOTTOM LINE - Theresa May has made public assurances that she’s serious about Brexit, yet her cabinet has yet to formulate a plan, raising questions of a second referendum.

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