Page 4 - This Month at Sansum Clinic – June 2021
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 Hydration Stations are Making a Difference
Two of the Clinic’s Hydration Stations/Water Coolers were purchased in October 2018 for both the Purchasing and Corporate buildings, and we have had one on the 2nd Floor at Foothill Building A since its grand opening in 2014.
AS OF MAY 20, 2021:
u 89 S. Patterson hit 30,752 saved bottles
u The Corporate office saved more than 22,076 bottles upstairs
and 64,475 bottles downstairs
u The Foothill location is currently at more than 26,042 bottles uPesetas has saved 38,65 bottles
Keeping your body hydrated is critical to maintaining good health - your body needs it to survive and function properly. From regulating your body temperature, flushing out toxins, eliminating waste, and even improving your complexion. And skincare is self-care. So take a moment to take a cooling sip of water. Your body and brain will thank you for it.
Wouldn’t it be grand if we hit 200,000 bottles saved by the end of 2021?!
Teresa Ellen Arellanes (“TEA”),
Buyer, Sansum Clinic, 89 S. Paterson Ave.
  89 S. Patterson Corporate
Foothill Upstairs Foothill Downstairs Pesetas
30,752 22,076 26,042 64,475 38,654 181,999
       We know other sites are contributing to this effort with hydration stations that don’t track numbers – like Urgent Care and Ridley-Tree Cancer Center – kudos to you too!
This Month at Sansum Clinic - June 2021

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