Page 14 - OTF Spanish Catalogue 2019
P. 14

     Untamed Romania celebrates Romania’s astounding natural beauty and diversity of wild animals. From the forested slopes of the Carpathian Mountains where bears, wolves and lynx roam free, to the wind blown waters of the Danube Delta where pelicans take to the skies. Untamed Romania reveals how the country’s creatures adapt to the varying seasons, and how forests in particular are crucial to their existence.
Off the Fence/Auchan Romania S.A.
The Arctic Circle is one of the last great wildernesses on earth, where the ocean turns to ice, land and sea merge into one and life is brutally harsh. From the frozen forests of the Taiga, which contains two thirds of the world’s trees, to the Tundra, the coldest and driest places on the planet. Each episode looks at how wildlife survives and nature adapts in these beautiful but extreme conditions.
Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International
This spectacular series sweeps across the most diverse peninsular in the world. From Malaysia to Southwest China, Vietnam to Cambodia and Thailand this vast area includes outstanding landscapes, historic cities, tropical jungles and armies of animals. With mangroves and mountains, pygmy elephants, turtles and rare birds it is no wonder that the word ‘mega-diverse’ is now attributed to parts of the region.
To survive in the wild had never been easy, but in the age of man, the challenges faced by wildlife have increased exponentially. This series follows stories of hope, struggle and survival. Witness the incredible lengths creatures will go to preserve themselves and to create a new generation of life. In this series we follow the people safeguarding those under threat, from individual animals of great importance, to species on the brink of extinction.
Homebrew Film Company
Wildest Europe reveals the incredible beauty and diversity of wildlife in Europe’s natural habitats. No other continent has such variety crammed into so little space: from caves at sea level, to precarious mountain tops, wildlife has realised some remarkable adaptations to survive and thrive throughout. Wildest Europe is a surprising and thrilling journey through life in a range of dramatic and varied landscapes.
Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International
The island’s of Indonesia are a wild paradise, where 15% of all the world’s species can be found. It straddles the equator, where Violent volcanic eruptions created more than 10,000 separate islands. It is a centre of bio-diversity, and this is a story of evolution on an unparalleled scale. We reveal the remarkable ways in which life has been created, adapted and re-born over millions of years of natural selection.
Untamed Romania
1 x 90’, 4K
  Wildest Arctic
4 x 60’, HD
Wild And Alive
4 x 60’, 4K
  Wildest Europe
5 x 60’ , HD
    Wildest Indochina
5 x 60’, HD
Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International
Off the Fence/Discovery Networks International
Wildest Indonesia
5 x 60’, HD
Content Available in Neutral Spanish / Contenido disponible en español neutral

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