Page 136 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 136

    Fight Like Soldiers, Die Like Children
1 x 60’ or 1 x 80’, 2012, HD
 When you’ve been to hell and back, how do you shake off the memories? This question has haunted Canadian General Roméo Dallaire since 1994, when he commanded the UN force during the Rwandan genocide, watching helplessly as the slaughter went on. Today, Dallaire has found a reason to live, focusing the rest of his life to eradicate the use of children as instruments of war.
White Pine Pictures
People have always searched for a key to the future, and explanations for the past. But does mysticism and fortune-telling belong to history, or is there still something in it for us today? Intrepid but uncertain presenter Brendan McDonnell tries astrology; chiromancy; face, feet, tea-leaf and even genital reading, among many more in an worldwide search for the truth about the past, present, and future.
Nadi Films
Take a guided tour of the best museums and galleries in the world. The Gallery Tours series explores great collections of art work from the world’s foremost galleries and museums. Each show selects highlights from an individual museum or gallery and explores the work’s aesthetic, composition, visual effect, meaning, relevance, and relationship with the art-goer and the world at large.
The Vaghri are the gypsies of India, descendants of the great tribes of north India to whom the gypsies of the world owe their origin. Filmed over ten years, we reveal the story of Karthik, the only member of his tribe who goes to school, and Ravi, the hustler, whose charm can part any tourist from their money.
Bang Productions
Fouad’s Dream is a documentary about Montreal civic leader Fouad Sahyoun’s return journey to Haifa in Israel, the city of his birth and early childhood. Fouad’s dream is to establish business and cultural links between his world and Haifa, but is fraught with difficulties. However he believes that entrepreneurship can succeed where diplomacy and war have failed.
Productions Grand Nord
An enigmatic musical poet, world-renowned pianist Glenn Gould continues to captivate many years after his untimely death. His music and writing reveal an insightful world view that we are still unravelling and his use of complex recording technologies was unprecedented. This film pierces through the myths, revealing the man and icon.
  A Fortune Teller Told Me
6 x 60’, 2012, HD
The Final Sacrifice
1 x 60’, 2007, SD
  Fouad’s Dream
1 x 60’, 2012, HD
   Westbeach, Mico & Looping Productions
White Pine Pictures
Genius Within:
The Inner Life Of Glenn Gould
1 x 60’, 1 x 85’ or 1 x 108’, 2009, HD
 Gallery Tours
13 x 30’, 2004, HD
People & Culture

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