Page 143 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 143

    In the Mergui archipelago, speardiver Hook of the Moken sea-nomads fears his indigenous lifestyle is under threat. Hook’s father is an elder who knows the art of building Kabang boats. If Hook can get to the hidden tribes off the coast, he can get a tree to build his Kabang. Hook’s voyage takes him into the mysterious Moken ocean realm and introduces him to “new” values from the modern world. Also available is a 30’ behind the scences film, Kindred Spirit.
Ten Thousand Images
The most thoroughly handcrafted instrument in the world, Steinways are as full of personality as the world-class musicians who choose them above all others. This engrossing documentary follows the creation of the latest Steinway concert grand, #L1037. It explores the relationship between musician and instrument, chronicles the manufacturing process, and investigates what makes each Steinway unique and why that’s important.
Plow Productions
The Kunene River is the lifeblood of Kaokoland, a vast arid stretch of north-western Namibia, bringing life to the desert and sustaining its people. In recent times the local Himba have survived drought and war, but now an even more menacing threat looms: the unstoppable forces of progress, a dam that would flood their homeland.
In 1996, a 15-year-old Israeli girl, Bat-Chen Shahak, was killed when a Palestinian terrorist blew himself up. After her death her parents discovered she had kept a diary, ever since the Gulf War. In touching poems Bat-Chen describes her life in turbulent Israel expressing her wishes for peace. Not Fair is the story of war, from an eye-witness who is no longer here.
Movie Tron/Eye2Eye Media
This absorbing film is a meditation on why nuclear weapons still exist, 70 years on from their creation. The production of the documentary involved interviewing witnesses from a range of different perspectives. It also incorporates a specially composed musical piece by French composer Alain Kremski which beautifully underscores the continuing challenge of dealing with the most lethal weapon ever created by humankind.
Whistling Communications
Ode to Mandela is a uniquely creative collaboration between a group of South African musicians. Together they have created a sequence of songs, each expressing a different phase in the life of Nelson Mandela. The genres shift seamlessly from traditional Xhosa to kwela to choral to jazz to reggae as the composers use the full variety of South African music to tell the story of its national icon.
No Word For Worry
1 x 60’ or 1 x 89’, 2014, HD
Not Fair 1 x 30’, 1998, SD
   Note by Note: The Making
Of A Steinway L1037
1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’ , 2007, SD
 The Nuclear Requiem
1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’, 2017, HD
    Ochre & Water
1 x 60’, 2001, SD
Doxa Productions
Red Pepper Pictures
Ode To Mandela
1 x 60’, 2013, HD
 People & Culture

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