Page 151 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 151

   Tim Jenkin is an unlikely revolutionary. As a young man he volunteered to assist the banned ANC. After a dramatic arrest and an outrageous prison break, he designed an ingenious secret communications system which enabled operatives to secretly penetrate South Africa’s borders, smuggling messages to the imprisoned Nelson Mandela. He can now celebrate his role in bringing about South Africa’s miraculous transition to democracy.
Factuals: Biography and History Unit
Waking the Green Tiger documents the rise of a green movement in China, as farmers and activists join together to oppose a massive dam project on the upper Yangtze River. This dramatic story is told against a background of eyewitness accounts and extraordinary archival footage, describing an earlier era under Chairman Mao when the masses were mobilised to conquer nature in the name of progress.
Face to Face Media
From the doormen to the butlers, chefs, housekeepers, engineers, and florists, meet the workers who serve the president inside the most powerful house in the world. Through personal interviews, they reveal the behind-the-scenes action of world-changing events like those of September 11, 2001, and share intimate moments of the presidency, from First Family birthday parties to preparations for inauguration day. Narrated by Martin Sheen.
“Showing the vulva scares off bears and lions, makes wheat grow higher, calms storm tides and demons fear it. The devil runs away. The vulva is omnipotent.” A powerful image, but the presentation of the female genitals continues to irritate. Decades of retouching and anti-pornography campaigns have lead to a public image of the vulva that is far from reality.
MMM Film Zimmermann & Co. GmbH
Follow former UN Advisor and Alvin Ailey trained dancer, Vandana Hart across the world to explore how dance connects people, places, and culture. From Indonesia and Vietnam, to France, Nigeria, and Lebanon We Speak Dance showcases an interconnected web of styles from remote villages, underground groups, and world famous stages to reveal how dance joins us together through revolution, sacred ceremonies and sexuality.
We Speak Dance
Worlds of Sound is a tour of the realm where music hits the heartbeat. This is the story of Folkways Records, an upstart record label which emerged in the wake of World War II. Folkways began in a one-room studio in Manhattan as a response to the post-modern world and a slick and soulless music business.
    Smithsonian Networks
Spark Media/Smithsonian Networks
Vulva 3.0: Between
Taboo And Fine-Tuning
1 x 60’ or 1 x 78’, 2014, HD
 The Vula Connection
1 x 60’, 2013, HD
 Waking The Green Tiger,
A Green Movement Rises In China
1 x 60’ or 1 x 78’, 2011, HD
 We Speak Dance
5 x 30’, 2017, 4K
 Worlds Of Sound:
The Ballad Of Folkways
1 x 60’, 2009, HD
 White House Revealed
1 x 60’, 2009, HD
 People & Culture

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