Page 204 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 204

 1994: The Bloody Miracle
1 x 95’ or 2 x 60’, 2014, HD
When South Africa celebrated its democracy in 1994, many believed that civil war was inevitable, and that the elections would be derailed. The averting of that war became known as the ‘Mandela miracle.’ But an orgy of violence proved that some were indeed intent on obstructing the first free elections. Now those responsible explain how they nearly brought democracy down. Have they now made their peace with the ‘Rainbow Nation’?
The Boondogle Film
Directors: Bert Haitsma & Meg Rickards
Amur: Asia’s Amazon
1 x 90’ or 3 x 60’, 2015, HD
This series explores the unspoilt natural world along the Amur river, from its headwaters in Mongolia to its estuary in the northern Pacific. We meet Amur tigers, bears, gazelles and Manchurian cranes and follow soft-shelled Chinese turtles and taimen. Find out about traditional communities that battle to survive in a unique and, to western eyes, largely unknown environment, interwoven with shots of awe-inspiring sceneries, complete the picture.
Terra Mater Factual Studios/Interspot Film/NDR Naturfilm/Doclights/ARTE France
Directors: Franz Hafner &
Klaus Feichtenberger
Bert Stern: Original Mad Man
1 x 89’ or 1 x 60’, 2011, HD
In this unconventional documentary, the original Mad Man photographer reveals himself for the first time. Bert Stern’s 1953 ‘Driest of the Dry’ advertising campaign for Smirnoff introduced America to vodka. Photographing the world’s most beautiful women, the kid from Brooklyn was living a dream. But then it all went wrong. We explore creativity, celebrity, and desire through the eyes of a man who got everything he wanted... almost.
Magic Film Productions
Director: Shannah Laumeister Featuring: Bert Stern, Elizabeth Taylor & Stanley Kubrick
American Commune
1 x 90’ or 1 x 60’, 2013, HD
In 1970, 1,500 hippies founded a commune in rural Tennessee. Members grew their own food, delivered babies at home and built a self-sufficient society. Raised in the commune by a Jewish mother from Beverly Hills and a Puerto Rican father from the Bronx, sisters Rena and Nadine return for the first time since 1985. American Commune finds that, perhaps surprisingly, communal values are alive and well in the next generation.
Mundo Films
Directors: Nadine Mundo & Rena Mundo Croshere
Animal Homes: Natural
Born Enginners
1 x 90’ or 3 x 60’, 2015, HD
Animals build homes for very similar reasons to our own, but they have been doing it for much longer. Built with great complexity, usually with found materials, and sometimes with materials made from their own bodies. In this series, together with ecologist Chris Morgan we investigate how skillful and diverse animal engineering and architecture can be, and explore the intriguing behaviours and social interactions that take place in and around animal homes.
Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Coneflower Productions/Thirteen Productions
Director: Anna Johnson Prum
BESA: The Promise
1 x 86’, 2009, HD
Follow the journeys’ of two men as they reveal Albania’s secret heroism in WWII. Norman Gershman, a renowned Jewish- American photographer determined to document first-person accounts of the Albanian Muslims who rescued Jews during the Holocaust and Rexhep Hoxha, a Muslim-Albanian who must fulfill the promise made to a Jewish family his father rescued during the Holocaust and return to them a set of Hebrew books they left behind.
JWM Productions Director: Rachel Goslins
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