Page 33 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 33

    ‘The Last Lion of Liuwa’ is the emotive story of an African wilderness and the last refuge for a solitary Lioness. She is the sole survivor of a senseless massacre that took the rest of her pride. She is a symbol of the Liuwa, a place that challenges all who live here and where adaptation is crucial to survival. Her story is true and she remains the only lion of this very special place.
Talking Pictures/Off the Fence
This programme gives an intimate insight into the challenges faced by one of mankind’s closest living relatives - the orangutan. This stunning documentary is a compelling account of the work of Dr Biruté Galdikas. See her lifelong fight to save the diminishing world of Indonesia’s wild primates as their habitat is threatened by rampant deforestation and palm oil plantations.
Animal Media Australia
Once the Iberian lynx thrived across the entire Iberian Peninsula. Now it is classified as critically endangered. At the outset of the third millennium, a sad remnant of some 150 individuals survived in two isolated habitats. They were starved by lack of prey and reduced by epidemics. Now, with breeding stations and a migration corridor, it looks like the Iberian lynx is making a cautious comeback.
The elephant, Asia’s symbol of strength and power, is disappearing. Their numbers are dwindling, their habitat is being literally eaten away and their traditional forest pathways now lead them into danger. Meet Sompast, a mahout, who has set his sights on the enormous task of restoring the balance between man and elephant - to build a sustainable future for both.
David Adams Films
Laws of the Lizard is the story of a thirty-year quest to discover the fundamental rules of nature. How are species organised into ecosystems? How do those ecosystems and the species within them change over time? Scientists think there must be a set of unwritten rules that bring order to a complex, chaotic world. Our clearest look into nature’s rulebook comes from an unassuming creature, a six-inch lizard - the anole.
Day’s Edge Productions/Smithsonian Networks
Whale sharks, manta rays and other big fish were once common in the narrow Lembeh Strait in Indonesia, but overfishing has long since eradicated the larger species. Now, a new community of unusual creatures make their home on the volcanic seabed. Stone fish, piper fish, cuttlefish, snails and mimic octopuses fight for space with the remarkably weird walking fish!
Last Lion Of Liuwa
1 x 60’, 2008, HD
The Last Mahout
1 x 60’, 2008, HD
    The Last Trimate
1 x 60’, 2008, HD
Laws Of The Lizard
1 x 60’, 2017, 4K
    Leap Of The Lynx
1 x 60’, 2012, HD
The Lembeh Strait Walking Fish
1 x 60’, 2014, HD
 Terra Mater Factual Studios/ Wanda Films
Loke Film
 Nature & Wildlife

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