Page 42 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 42

    Oldies But Goldies: A Journey To
Germany’s Oldest Trees
1 x 60’, 2007, HD
 Trees reach the greatest age of all living things and are home and refuge to innumerable animals. This film portrays the most beautiful and aged trees in Germany. Many of these veterans are dying and their descendants rely on man. It is up to us humans to give these youngsters sufficient space and time to grow old.
We follow the remarkable life of the ostrich over half a year: during this time, the male will have danced his way to impressing an array of females, battled potential rivals, and sat out in the baking heat, protecting his brood from any threat they might face. Eventually, he will have passed on his knowledge, giving the young every chance of survival as they go on to raise their own families – prolonging the reign of these giant birds for many more years to come.
Terra Mater Factual Studios/Mike Birkhead Associates Ltd/ National Geographic Channel
Frogs from every continent around the world have suffered in recent times from inexplicably high death rates, resulting in various species undergoing severe population reductions and pushing others over the edge of extinction. A disease has been identified as the most likely cause, and herpetologists from South Africa believe they might have found the cure. Join professors Louis du Preez and Marius Burger as they investigate.
13 kilometres north of Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, is Marlice van Vuuren’s wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary. In partnership with the Shiloh Jolie-Pitt Foundation, founded by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, this fabulous reserve and sanctuary is where Marlice and her extraordinary family care for orphaned wild animals which they one day hope to release back into the wild.
Homebrew Films/Off the Fence
It seems there is never a dull moment for the otters of Yellowstone National Park; if they’re not running, playing, sliding or fishing, they’re trying to raise a family. They must also compete for food with predators who would only be too glad to have otter on the menu themselves, like the local wily coyotes.
It’s the only place like it on earth. The Isthmus of Panama is a bridge between two worlds. For millions of years, it has been a pathway for millions of animals moving between North and South America. But now, environmental changes may be putting the unique natural territory under threat. We follow researchers using modern technology to explore the threat and gather the evidence we need to confront this challenge before it’s too late.
Orphans Of The Wild
13 x 30’, 2011, HD
    Ostrich: A Life On The Run
1 x 60’, 2015, HD
The Otters Of Yellowstone
1 x 60’, 1998, SD
     Out Of Africa: Frogs In Demand
1 x 60’, 2009, HD
Homebrew Film Company
Lucky8/Smithsonian Networks
Panama’s Animal Highway
1 x 60’, 2017, 4K
Nature & Wildlife

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