Page 73 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 73

   Seven men stand on the summit of the Matterhorn, the last Alpine peak to be conquered. Their place in history is assured. Then, disaster strikes: a rope snaps. Four men die. But did the rope really just snap, or was it cut? A murder mystery at 14,000 feet; gripping re-enactments, filmed at the original locations, retell the tragic events in meticulous detail.
SRF Swiss/Spiegel TV
A gripping story of the heroic lives of the convict rebels exiled to Australia, a prison without walls, as punishment for their crimes. From the UK and Canada they are transported in shackles and their acts of protest and rebellion helped build one of the most robust democracies of the modern age. Revered in their homelands as martyrs, their convict lives are an untold story – until now.
Tile Films/Roar Films
For the first time ever, underwater detectives uncover wartime mysteries that until now were too difficult to find. Using innovative equipment they show us the wrecks that were previously too deep to dive, too dark and dangerous to film, revealing an unsuspected world of secret weapons, fatal negligence and deadly cover ups.
In June 1832, 57 young Irishmen arrive in Pennsylvania to seek their American Dream and set out to work on the railways. But in just eight weeks, all 57 men are dead, their bodies thrown into an unmarked mass grave. Death on the Railroad is an epic 10 year detective story and murder mystery revealing the dark side of the emigrant story.
Tile Films
“I’m the decider and I decide what’s best.” This documentary takes a hard look at the legacy left behind by George W. Bush, one of the most controversial president in American political history. Beginning with 9/11 and ending with chapter 11, for many Americans, the Bush presidency was marked by war and crisis. We’ll deconstruct the decider’s decisions and their ongoing consequences...
Peacock Productions
The 18th Amendment is unique: it was the first amendment to restrict the rights of citizens rather than expand them, and the only amendment ever to be repealed. It marks the beginning of the Prohibition era, an enormous national experiment of morality. As the centenary of its passage approaches, we look back on this iconic period in American history, peeling away the romantic myths and exploring the complex historical realities.
    Nordic United
JWM Productions/Smithsonian Networks
Death On The Railroad
1 x 60’, 2013, HD
 Death On The Matterhorn
1 x 60’ or 1 x 90’, 2015, HD
  Death Or Liberty
2 x 60’, 2014, HD
The Decider
1 x 60’, 2009, SD
  Deep Wreck Mysteries
5 x 60’, 2008, HD
Drinks, Crime And Prohibition
2 x 60’, 2018, 4K

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