Page 83 - OTF Catalogue 2019-2020 Client PDF
P. 83

    Despite lengthy incarceration in an apartheid prison, Nelson Mandela overcame his indignity, and even begun negotiations with his jailers about a democratic South Africa. This is the story of his years of imprisonment.
Factuals: Biography and History Unit
This series, narrated by Martin Sheen, is based on Twain’s best-selling book, ‘Innocents Abroad’. Filmed in Israel and marking the150th anniversary of Mark Twain’s journey to Europe and the Holy Land, we retrace Twain’s footsteps using actual details from his letters and journals. This documentary features the only film of Mark Twain, the first footage ever shot of Jerusalem, as well as letters that have never been seen before.
Indigo Films
This film documents Nelson Mandela’s secret life in the underground of the anti- apartheid movement, his decision to launch an armed struggle, and his eventual capture and trial which led to life imprisonment.
Factuals: Biography and History Unit
Much has been written about the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki following the use of atomic bombs and the effect of the attack on civilian life in Japan. In 1995 the crewmen of the Enola Gay and the Bockscar spoke out about what happened during those fateful days and how the weight of their task changed them forever.
Greenwich Workshop/Smithsonian Networks
The catalyst that would lead to Martin Luther King’s assassination began three months before his death. Realising that this might be a seminal moment in the Civil Rights Movement, scholars at The University of Memphis started to collect every piece of media they could find - television, radio and print. This multi-award winning documentary brings to light the footage that hasn’t been seen since 1968.
Mandela: Prison
1 x 60’, 2010, SD
  Mark Twain’s Journey To
Jerusalem: Dreamland
1 x 60’, 2017, HD
Mandela: Rivonia
1 x 60’ , 2010, SD
  Men Who Brought The Dawn
1 x 60’, 2007, SD
    Million Dollar American Princesses
4 x 60’, 2015, HD
Join Elizabeth McGovern as she takes an in-depth look at the young American heiresses whose real life stories inspired the acclaimed TV drama “Downton Abbey.” Starting in the 1890s and ending in the 1970s, we see how our Million Dollar American Princesses step out of their imprisoning mansions and stately homes to play an increasingly vital part in the cultural and political life of Britain and Europe.
Finestrip Productions/Smithsonian Networks
1895 Films/Smithsonian Networks
MLK: The Assassination Tapes
1 x 60’, 2011, HD

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