Page 1 - Grade 5 SBA demarcation 2021
P. 1
Grade 5 Natural Science & Technology Demarcation
7 April 2021
Plants and animals on Earth: Many different plants and animals on Earth [Unit 1]
Proud of plants p.11
South Africa’s little five p.14
Activity 3: Discover more about 10 indigenous animals p.15
Plants and animals on Earth: Inter-dependence [Unit 2]
How plants and animals depend on each other p.16
Plants and animals on Earth: Animal types [Unit 3]
Animals without backbones p.18
Activity 1: Describe animals with and without backbones p.19
Animal skeletons: Skeletons of vertebrates [Unit 4]
Bones p.20
Figure 1 The human skeleton p.21
Animal skeletons: Movement [Unit 5]
Unit 5 PowerPoint lesson (Types of joints and where they are in the body)
Muscles p.24
Skeletons as structures: Frame and shell structures [Unit 6]
New words p.26 and 27
Vertebrate skeletons are frame structures p.26
Some invertebrate skeletons are shell structures p.27
Food chains: Food and feeding [Unit 7]
What do animals eat p.31
Food chains: Feeding relationships [Unit 8]
What is a food chain p.34
Energy transfer p.34