Page 29 - Pierce County Lawyer - May June 2024
P. 29

 By Judge Lizanne Padula
We had about 165 volunteers, 24 teams, 315 high school students and many parents, coaches and spectators. Security checked in over 1500 people on Saturday (an average Monday is about 500 to 800 people). This was a massive endeavor that we all accomplished together.
I had many people stop me and tell me they have never had a State Tournament in such a great location and which ran this smoothly. They raved about our facilities, courtrooms, organization and, most importantly, our volunteers. In fact, we had so many judges and attorneys that all 5 rounds were fully staffed. That is a massive accomplishment!
While we had attorneys and judges from all over the state, it was Pierce County attorneys and judges that carried this event. So many of you gave freely of your time, knowledge and experience. The YMCA and AOC staff told me they have never had as many volunteers as they did this year. Honestly, they were in awe of what we can do in Pierce County.
Most of the credit for the organizational success of this event
goes to the YMCA Youth & Government Program and AOC. The YMCA and AOC staff are efficient, organized and a pleasure to work with. These are people dedicated and committed to their organizational goals and our state’s high school kids. They are actively cultivating the legal minds of the future. If you did not get a chance to volunteer and experience this event, I encourage you to consider volunteering next year. One judicial officer (who will remain nameless) was almost in tears as he/she told me that seeing these kids renewed his/her hope for the coming generation. Those of you that have experience in Juvenile Court may find a bit of renewal gratifying. The experience is simply moving and uplifting.
If anyone is wondering... 3rd place was Franklin High School, 2nd place was Kings and the winner was... Seattle Prep!
A packed room for the Final Round
  Testimony with Judge Indu Thomas listening.
 YMCA Mock Trial State Championship
The YMCA Mock Trial State Championship held in late March was a total success!
Pre-Trial Motions during final round. This is Micah White from Kings, and he will be an amazing attorney someday.
 Thank you so much for your efforts, your patience, and your support. I am so proud to be a part of this legal community. Because of you and everyone else that supported this event... we nailed it!
 The Honorable Lizanne Padula is a Pierce County District Court Judge. She was elected to the Bench in 2018.
 May/Junel 2024 | PIERCE COUNTY LAWYER 29

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