Page 25 - 2024 March April Magazine
P. 25

         Honorable Bryan Chushcoff
Superior Court Department 4
Iam thankful to my (late) parents and to my family for their support and affection thoughout my life. I have had three court reporters in my 27 years
(and counting) as a judge, Carla Holcomb, Katrina Smith and Jessica Sanford. They have been patient with me past all human understanding as I spoke
too quickly or over another speaker or mumbled my questions, rulings and instructions through the years. And I thank them for their perseverance in the face of such adversity!
I have shared the Pierce County Superior Court bench with 56 judges (not a typo!) not to mention the many Court Commissioners. And with each of them I share a unique and valuable experience. Former judge Waldo Stone told me that other judicial officers would come to be my family and he was certainly right. It has been my privilege to work with such fine people as well as the court’s many other admininistrative personnel, and notably Court Administrators Andra Motyka and Chris Gaddis.
I also want to share my gratitude to the many lawyers who have appeared in my courtroom all these years. Judge Cohoe often remarked how lawyers are the most interesting people. I share his opinion. And I appreciate the discussion of the law with them that has taken place in my courtroom these many years. It has been a limitless source of intellectual stimulation.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I have had but one judicial assistant. Susan Winnie has looked after me since we first began working together in March 1981. Now 43 years later, she still frets and worries to be sure things are done right. While this has doubtless made her life miserable, it has never failed to make me look good. I trust her without reservation to always do the right thing. And I am grateful to her beyond words to express.
Honorable Edmund Murphy
Superior Court Department 9
Iam grateful for my wonderful wife of 36 years, Judge Drew Henke. She has supported me, encouraged me, put up with me, and helped me to become a better person and judge. I
am thankful for our two daughters, who had to deal with
both parents being long-time criminal prosecutors and now judges. They survived and have grown up to be amazing young women. My parents are both gone but they instilled in me a love of learning and an interest in the law.
I worked in the Pierce County Prosecutor’s Office for 27 years, beginning in the summer after my second year of law school.
All of the employees of that office over the years, attorneys and support staff, helped me learn how to be an attorney, a trial attorney, and a leader. More importantly, they also taught me how to be a spouse, a parent, and a friend. I am forever grateful for those lessons. There are too many of you to name, but you know who you are. I also want to thank the many judges I appeared
in front of and the defense attorneys I practiced with over those many years. You all taught me so much and I have tried to take some of your examples, hopefully good ones, to the bench
with me.
I am grateful for my colleagues on the bench, past and present, and all of the employees who make up the Superior Court family. I have been blessed to work in such a supportive environment. All of you have helped me on this journey. I
am especially grateful for the three women who have been the public face of Department 9: my Judicial Assistant Michelle van Antwerp, my first Court Reporter Angela Nicolavo, and my current Court Reporter Emily Dirton. I couldn’t ask for better people to have alongside me on this journey and I thank you for your friendship and for making my job easier. You are all ultimate professionals but also a lot of fun to work with.
Continued on next page.
    March/April 2024 | PIERCE COUNTY LAWYER 25

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