Page 10 - Pierce County Lawyer - January February 2025
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A Word from the
Executive Director
By Kit Kasner
New & Young New & Young
Lawyers Meetings Lawyers Meetings
2 2nd Thu nd Thurs rsday day
of every month at 5:30 PM
Loc Locatio ation: n: Balsam Quinlan
911 South I Street
Tacoma, WA 98405
“Thank you” to 2024’s TPCBA President Catherine Case for her
work ensuring a successful year. Thank you to our outgoing Board of
Trustees, committee chairs, co-chairs and members, as well as section
presidents…THANK YOU TPCBA volunteers for your hard work
throughout the 2024 year. We welcome our new 2025 TPCBA President Liz
Johnson and her new Board. The gavel will be passed to Liz at the Lincoln
Day Banquet on February 7. Please plan to attend our 117th annual event.
Flyer is on page 11.
Don’t forget to go online and pay your 2025 membership
dues (or send them in). If you have a courthouse ID badge you
will need a TPCBA 2025 sticker, which will be sent when your
dues are received. Once you pay your dues your card will still
need to be activated internally by Security. From the Bar’s desk
to theirs it takes around 3 days, once we receive your payment.
Need help maneuvering around our website? Looking for something or
trying to log in for the first time? Call our Web Coordinator Laurie at 253
841-8410 for assistance.
Don’t have a courthouse ID badge? Email to make an
appointment to have your photo taken and your new badge issued. It takes
just 5 minutes. Working with courthouse security, we take photos once per
month, so connect with us to make an appointment and get your name on
that list.
When you complete your membership form, please consider signing up
to serve on our Lawyer Referral Panel too. Being a LRS panel member
helps those in our community get timely access to experienced attorneys and
helps you and your firm get connected to possible new clients. If your firm
is hired, 10% of the fees paid to you helps support and maintain our Lawyer
Referral Service (LRS) and the Tacoma-Pierce County Bar.
As we move along in 2025 please let us know if you have any
thoughts about our services, CLEs, programs, website,
magazine, etc. We love to hear from our membership. Connect
with the Bar Office or Board of Trustees. Perhaps you would like to
attend one of our monthly Trustees meetings or write an article
for our Pierce County Lawyer Magazine. Visit our website at for all the latest information.
See you all at the Lincoln Day Banquet!
Family Law Section
Zoom Meetings
3rd Wednesday of each month
@ Noon via Zoom
*must be a Family
Law Section member
Stay Connected!
Join the Bar on social
media; Facebook ,
Twitter & Linkedin .
Send your Facebook posts to
media rep. Liz Johnson at
“Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT.
Stand with him while he is right and PART
with him when he goes wrong.” - Abraham Lincoln
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