Page 21 - Pierce County Lawyer - January February 2025
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A family who recently moved into a new Habitat home. “Aging in Place” client
Maureen Fife, CEO of TPCH, acknowledges that several
present and former members of the Tacoma-Pierce County
Bar Association have been an integral part of the success at
TPCH, including Bill Lynn, Mark Holcomb, Chris Huss, Joanne
Henry, and Aliza Allen. “Affordable housing is complicated. The
guidance, expertise, and support of our legal volunteers and
partners is a tremendous gift and we are eternally grateful.”
Housing affordability is an urgent crisis that touches all cities
and communities in Pierce County. TPCH is working hard to
create permanent, affordable housing in our community. TPCH
believes homeownership is just the beginning—it generates a
strong foundation for vibrant communities, a stable financial
future for generations, and a healthy place for children to grow.
How can members of the Tacoma-Pierce County Bar
Association help with affordable housing?
• Refer eligible buyers for affordable homeownership to
Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat.
• Volunteer your time on the construction site
or serve on the board or a committee.
• Donate in-kind real or personal property, or provide
financial resources.
• Support legislation that helps maintain and
create more affordable housing.
• Get connected by visiting:
Mark Holcomb is a Habitat Board Member, president of Morton McGoldrick PLLC and recipient of 2024 Community Service Award
for TPCBA) and Sherrana Kildun is Habitat’s Chief Philanthropy Officer.
Fraser Robinson Speir
Attorney Outsource l 253.564.3669
Providing legal research and briefing support at all administrative
and judicial levels to the Pierce County Bar for over 25 years
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