Page 42 - Pierce County Lawyer - January February 2025
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Say Goodbye to Probate Estate
Say Goodbye to Probate Estate
Consolidation “Nightmares”
Consolidation “Nightmares”
Streamline decendents’ estate
Streamline decendents’ estate
consolidation with our specialized
consolidation with our specialized
service, saving you valuable time
service, saving you valuable time
while eliminating complexities
while eliminating complexities
with Computershare, medallion
with Computershare, medallion
signatures, transfer agents and
signatures, transfer agents and
multiple  nancial institutions.
multiple  nancial institutions.
Darryl J. Lynch, AIF®
Darryl J. Lynch, AIF®
Managing Director – Investments
Managing Director – Investments
(425) 709-0404
(425) 709-0404
of Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.
of Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.
©2024 Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. Transacts Business on All Principal Exchanges and Member SIPC. 4895164.13
©2024 Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. Transacts Business on All Principal Exchanges and Member SIPC. 4895164.13
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