Page 1 - Sample 3
P. 1
A Fond Farewell
31st March 2021 marked the last working day of
the 18 year long, illustrious career of Mrs. Manju
Rajput, Principal, RSJMS. Teachers and staff
members gathered in the school premises to give
a warm send off to their much respected leader.
Mrs Rajput addressed the staff and urged them
to continue with their good work to keep the
school banner flying high. She was presented
with a bouquet by Mrs. Alka Sethi, Staff
Coordinator. The staff gave a standing ovation to
Mrs. Rajput for her contribution to the
The RSJMS family also bid farewell to 4 other
cherished members of the teaching fraternity-
Mrs. Punam Khurana (in absentia), Mrs. Madhu
Chhabra, Mrs. Alka Sethi and Mrs. Sunita Patnaik.
The service rendered by these teachers and their
long association with the institution were
applauded. Each of them were presented with a
bouquet and a token of appreciation.