Page 17 - Petsilee M Musgrove-Williams
P. 17
Chapdter seven Thank You
for Being a Friend!.
Patsy’s story would not be complete without
the numerous friends who morphed into
family. Kadra and Darville Handfield and
Doreen Been are nonblood related (our
children call each other aunt); Rupert Gibson
and his lovely wife Shirline who is truly a
brother from another mother; Her Diva
Sisters: Kate Quelch, Lillie Sweeting, Monica
Tucker, Anne Marie Riascos, Gerri Rawlins;
Janet Ingham who became an earth angel
during her illness; Tina A’Hearn and her sister
Ramona Jolly (also lifelong friends); Cheryl
Clare whose passion for politics held them together like krazy glue! Marilyn Robinson, her namesake; Adelphine Pitter, her mentoree; Alveria Duncombe
and Pastor Oleta Missick from the COGOP in Kew; Tracy Smith; Linda Grant, Jestina Delancy, Belinda Lightbourne, all of the Class of 1979; Sabrina Green, her longtime friend. There are many others who will forever cherish her memory. Many she met through Pearly, like Gwen Sawyer of Abaco, Bahamas; Karlene Glinton (another political ally); Debbie Delancy who bonded over facebook but didn’t get the chance to meet in real life.