Page 20 - Petsilee M Musgrove-Williams
P. 20

 Chapdter eight
It’s a Family Affair!
And of course, there are her blood relatives! The Musgrove/Walkin/Gardiner/ Forbes clan is so expansive, to name them would fill up the entire book! Family was sacred. Patsy adored her numerous aunts and uncles and cousins. She and Pearly would be counted on to attend every funeral, wedding, or such occasion no matter in The Bahamas, The USA or The Turks and Caicos
Though blessed with countless friends, acquaintances and a host of relatives, she kept her inner circle small: Barbara Gardiner, her sister Rosie; Patremenda Gardiner and Leonora Handfield; Dorothy Gardiner her self- proclaimed
Karlene, Clifton’s wife, always had her listening ear; she loved that Camille and Georgia made her brothers Eustace and Maxwell happy respectively; her love for her nieces and nephews: Camia, Cadeem, Chrishon, Caelan, Camya, Camouri, Knesia, Nataliyah and special grandniece Caleea was unconditional. She was their fairy godmother and favorite shopper rolled into one loveable yet strict aunt.
 “favorite” cousin; Lovely Outten our adopted Godsister; cousin Amos; Goddie Vera and Goddie Sarah; Pat and Denise Gardiner.

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