Page 15 - Eliza Alvisa Smith-Pratt
P. 15
Always andForever...
My Aunt Liza, My Role Model
It’s not the things that can be bought that are life’s richest treasure, It’s the little gifts and acts of kindness that money cannot measure.
You are a beautiful flower plucked from the flower bed to be a sweet-smelling savour in the presence of your maker, your life touched mine in many different ways.
Precious are the memories that fill me anytime I remember the advice you found pleasure sharing with me, I will forever cherish the memories of the many times you held my hand and took me places with you, answered my many questions and allowed me to sit and watch you sew on that loud foot peddle sewing machine.
I will always remember how you had a healing voice, when you prayed and sang to me your favorite song.
From a little girl I admired your wisdom in solving complex issues anytime I sought your input. You were my role model, my fashion and style inspiration. You always worked hard, and I believe it is one of the reasons why you were able to raise my cousins so well.
Anytime I came to visit you, I could see that you had been up from very early in the morning working to ensure there was food and upkeep for your family. There was always something delicious to take home with me.
Fare thee well Aunt Liza, You fought a good fight and won the race. You left a legacy that will be remembered through our generations, current and to come. You left a mark in my heart, that
nothing will ever erase. It is indelible.
Sharrel Williams-Walkin