Page 2 - Howard Hamilton International Airport
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The late Howard Calvert Hamilton was born on O
mother, Jemima E Hamilton and father, Nathanial legendary Raymond Gardiner, the now named pat education, his family moved to The Bahamas, whe father while his mother worked as a seamstress.
By age 24, Howard married his love Eva Duncans Owen. Along this journey Howard was inspired to so to fly, he co the way he Field, Nassa in Californi
license in t
this day ev first daugh
Howard ret
a vision to e
Shearer to
with only tw Piper Aztec
Together, M and intern
flights, and
emergency for his avia
headlights, or navigating through tough weather of Mr. Hamilton who transported passengers for payment. Although a kind soul, he was also a sharp
Howard built the first full-service hanger on Provid
and provide a safe space for all aircrafts on island instrumental part of this chapter. She managed the medical and or trade with neighbors like Haiti. Tha Festival and has since evolved into InterCaribbean
selling steel, he was a contractor, and real estate. believed in true democracy.
Today, he is remembered fondly by mentees and
who touched the skies. A visionary who saw no c unwavering faith to bring his dreams to reality. Me weekends with their father on Provo, with him fl family, he was a wonderful father, husband and br of Turks and Caicos who knew him, he laid the blu He remained true to himself and loyal patriot until
His legacy is still alive today in his children, his bus Islands’ thriving aviation systems and infrastruct Providenciales International Airport in honour of th
By: Crystal “T Edited by Ea

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