Page 27 - DDME "The Disaster Forum"
P. 27
Salt Cay is a Tny triangular Island measuring about two (2) miles with a normal populaTon of about seventy-five (75) persons and during the winter season rises t and o about one hundred and forty (140) with
the arrival of Home Owners and Tourist.
This Community because of the past Salt Industry is known for its crystal Salt Ponds, beauTful white sandy beaches and the most cleanliness Island in the Turks and Caicos Chain of Islands.
We are a very small community with one school the Mary Robinson Primary, one teacher and seven (7) students.
The Island agencies comprises of government and private businesses which includes churches, restaurants, hotel accommodaTons, ferry service and air line services, stores, District AdministraTon, PWD, clinic, educaTon and fire services.
The community of Salt Cay is fully aware of the importance of being prepared and has always been commihed to ensure that the correct measures are in place in regards to their homes, businesses, surroundings and the Island in general and do not hesitate to engage in all aspects of training which will enhance their knowledge.
It is a fact that Hurricanes Irma and Maria has caused wide spread damages in our lihle Island and in collaboraTon with the Environmental Health and Public Works Department we conTnue to work hand in hand to ensure that the drainages are clean and all debris including large items, old vehicles and big trees are cleared away and taken to the dump site.
I am happy that District AdministraTon has been given a proper vehicle that will compliment with the few private vehicles on the Island and will be able to assist where possible.
As the District Commissioner for Salt Cay and with full co- operaTon from the community we will conTnue to ensure that we know our RISK; Get our PLAN; Put our plans into ACTION.
Almaida Wilson
District Commissioner – Salt Cay