Page 2 - Norman B Saunders Sr. International Airport
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Honourable Norman Benjamin Saunders is a name history for decades to come. Born on October 28, 194 his journey began with promise and potential.
From an earl
intellectual a
now known
prowess earn at Grand Turk
him tirelessly In 1960, he leadership as all-around at
Unlike many and Caicos Is
His talents an
After gradua clerk at the Tu
this time, h College in E Accounts. Hi
Company, w When TISCO
role at Caicos
As the comp purchase and manage the Aviation division, eventua and Managing Director, continuing even after his el
Fun Fact: Hon. Saunders trained with a pilot and air t never completed a solo flight due to the pilot’s brief
In 1966, he trained at the Bahamas Air Centre in Na South Caicos. The following year marked both profes Augusta Malcolm. Together, they raised four childre and Daxton Rico.
Norman was a prominent figure during the British and intelligent presence earned him a position on t hold the title of Honourable.
From 1967 to 1976, Honourable Saunders served on was selected by Lord Grey, Governor of the Bahamas the Channel Islands, sponsored by the Central Offic the Farmers’ Co-Operative in the Channel Islands a South Caicos Fishermen’s Co-Operative until 1976.
Honourable Norm
By: Crystal “T Edited by Ea

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