Page 11 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 11

It has been a long time that my dear wife and many friends have scolded me for not writing down the experiences of my long life. I promised to do that one day when I am old and have fully retired. But “Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende, hin geht die Zeit, her kommt der Tod”!! [Who knows how near my end is, time is running, death is coming] So I do want to start this in my 84. year of life and start writing down some notes offhand, little by little, just as I they come to mind. I am writing all of this down primarily for my beloved wife Bertha Behrens, née Hess, she may pass it on to one of my grandchil- dren who has the greatest interest in it and who is worth own- ing it, perhaps to Theodor, son of my oldest son Th.
Brits A.H.W. Behrens Started on Missionary
20 November 1938

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