Page 119 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 119
I was in the Berlin and Bonn [?] Mission Houses, in Dr W. Schwales Hom. Pharmacy in Leipzig, in the Royal Marshall [?] in Hannover etc. etc.
I enjoyed travelling to Hamburg to see the ships that would take me back to Africa for which I always longed and was then a guest at the merchant Nagel who was a friend of the Hermannsburg Mission.
But during winter I preferred staying beside the warm oven
at home. Once I dared to go on holiday in January when everybody was away, but I turned around when I was halfway to Unterlüss, it was too cold.
In 1878 I was a part of the separation. The whole Mission Haus left with Pastor Harms, also the old Pastor Ernst
and many other pastors and the Hannover “Freikirche”
was established. Our Inspector von Lüpke stayed in the “Landeskirche” and left us, and Pastor Th. Harms moved into the Old Mission House and many things changed. The new “Freikirche” was built in Hermannsburg and we left the old church that had already stood there for over 1000 years. We were also ordained in the new, pretty church.
The five years passed, the classes came to an end, we were examined, ordained and sent out. Stielau, Deppe, Schwäder and I were sent to South Africa, the others to India, America, Australia and New Zealand.