Page 155 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 155

The gold field was discovered along the Witwatersrand. Nobody had any idea that in the next 50 years a huge city, Johannesburg, would develop here. But speculation was rife from the beginning.
In 1886, our little Emmy was born in Pretoria where Dr Crow was the obstetrician. But our little Emmy died in Eben Ezer
in 1887 from whooping cough together with measles and was buried in Bethanie.
I bought myself a Spider that cost ₤ 82 for a span of two horses and it rendered good services for many years.
Sister Marie married an Englishman Gosling [?], a former teacher on Morgensonn, whom she absolutely wanted. It was no happy marriage, he drank and also beat his wife. He then had a small shop near Eben Ezer. She died, had no children, was buried in Bethanie. Gosling disappeared.
Dr Pronk bought the farm Kreepoort for the Bakwena who paid with cattle. Kipton is on this farm. The village Kipton should actually have been Cape Town. In order to avoid confusion, I suggested that it should be spelled Kipton and that is how it stayed. This farm Kreepoort went to the government in 1916 under the West Rand, mainly by way of exchange, and was then called Sonop.

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