Page 167 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 167

In 1890 it was decided to build the church, construction work took place in 1891 and the consecration of the church was done on 18 May 1892. The bells and pews came later.
On 3 July 1891 two sons were born to us in Bethanie, Willi and Gussi, both healthy and fresh.
1892 I started the Mosupatsele. All missionaries promised contributions, but these remained promises. I even had to pay in ₤ 15 from my own pocket to kickstart it and on top of that I had to write every month, collect all monies, in the end from 1200 readers, and keep the books.
After the consecration I decided to travel to Germany with my wife and the children Theodor (8 years) and Lissy (4 years) after I had obtained permission, but no travel money. The twins Willie and Gussie remained with the grandparents and that went quite well. But where should I get the money for the journey? On my return journey to Africa in 1880 I got to know an Englishman
Mr Charles Cowan and met him again in 1886 when he settled in the up-and-coming Johannesburg. And it was through him that I managed to get the 200 workers’ jobs in the mines. He advised me to give him money so that he could buy and then sell again stands for me in Johannesburg in order to improve my income.
I borrowed ₤ 30 from Pistorius with interest and Cowan bought me a stand in Pritchard Street for ₤ 15 and sold it again for ₤ 150.

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