Page 229 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 229
Much was said. The congregation requested that he should listen to them and all their complaints and should then rectify what was not right. Haccius said that that was the obligation
of the local authorities, he had only come to see them and to ask them, “Come back to us!!”- Then the congregation said that if he had come from so far and now wanted to do nothing, then they had waited in vain for him to come. And when he remained with his refusal, he achieved nothing and left with a saddened heart! Now everything was over, because after him nobody came.
We maintained our loose ties to Berlin and in November
1913 I visited the first synod of the Berlin Mission in 1913 in Botshabelo. The two teachers Karl Maboe and Jakobus Segale did a course in 1912 in Botshabelo and were then ordained in April 1913 in Bethanie by Superintendent Schloemann.
Meyer was transferred and Mahnke replaced him shortly afterwards and took away our school bell. I bought a better and bigger one in Lovedale which was then consecrated with great participation and it was called “kagiso”. Many participated in the collection for this.
Now we were 3 pastors. Karl and Jakobus did well, they were also good teachers. Karl died of diabetes in 1917 already and Jakobus is still alive but has now retired and is over 80. Both were of great help to me.