Page 255 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 255

1919 – 1943
Theodor got engaged in Lydenburg to a Dutch nurse Tiene
van Dyk. I married the couple in Wilhelmsruh, Waaikraal. They then lived wherever Theodor could find work after the big World War in Colenso, Durban, Johannesburg etc. until I bought them a house and an erf in Florida in 1926 and he had work in Johannesburg. The oldest daughter is called Olga,
the second, Wilhelmine, was born in December 1926 and I baptised her in the Johannesburg church with the permission of Pastor Hermann. The third child, a son Theodor junior, is now 12 years old. Theodor and his family have been living in Pretoria since 1949 and he does different work.
Willie got married in Vrede to an Afrikaaner Stien Zietsman,
a dear person, they have one son who carries my names. In 1926 Willie bought a farm, had livestock and sheep, but lived in Vrede where Stien worked in a shop. I was at their wedding. She still had twin sons but they both died.
Franz Roos and Lissy lived in Waaikraal until 1926 and then moved to Landdrift on the Crocodile River where they are
still living now in 1943. They had four children, Franz, the youngest one, died in 1942; Erika, the oldest one, is married and has two daughters.

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