Page 259 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 259
1924 – 1926
Miss Hess gave me the span of donkeys to get me to the station. Never in my entire life have I seen such stubborn mules! They stopped when they wanted and kicked. It was a terrible journey.
One day in 1924-25 Mr Moorcroft Edwards came to me and asked me whether he could prospect for platinum because it was assumed that there were platinum deposits along the entire Magaliesberg, but mainly on the northern side of the so-called black heads. And he wanted to start with my farm. I gave him permission and instead of platinum he found a gold mine about 500 paces to the South of my house on Waaikraal and this
was rich. Edwards founded a syndicate and later the Edwards Waaikraal Gold Mining Company with 60 000 shares and they bought the farm together with the gold mine for ₤ 16 000 in cash. I gave Theodor ₤ 3 000, Willie ₤ 3 000, Lissy ₤ 3 000.
I paid all my debt, gave the Berlin Mission ₤ 150, the Swiss Mission ₤ 50 and built a chapel in 1928 for about ₤ 500 on a property that cost ₤ 300 and gave this to the Hermannsburg Mission together with a bell, pews, harmonium etc., totalling about ₤ 900.