Page 271 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 271

After the engagement, after the journey and after celebrating our birthdays on 16 and 18 May my “Schatzi” travelled back to Elim in order to prepare everything and our wedding was in Pretoria on 7 July 1927. Pastor Sask married us in the German church. Cousin August and Hesse were my bestmen, Emma Behrens and Miss Bera Liegme (Swiss) were the bridesmaids of Bertha. After the ceremony we had lunch in the Residential Hotel with 30 invited guests. It was quite nice and cost me ₤ 13. Of my children only Lissy was there.
After lunch we left by car to Natal and arrived on the same evening at the Crown Connection [?] Hotel in Heidelberg.
Our driver was Stephans Raplise. The next day we reached Volksrust, then continued to Ladysmith where we stayed
for the Sunday. Then we travelled to the Missionary Home Durban. The evening before we arrived in Durban we had three punctures shortly after one another. Then we travelled along the coast to Port Shepstone, Izotsha, Margate and stayed at Auguste Bense from where we visited all friends. On the way back we stayed over at Stielaus and Reiches. The return journey went well and we arrived in good time in Brits for all the preparations for the confirmation in Bethanie.

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