Page 301 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 301

1910 – 1926
night from the windows of the house; similarly, I could shoot the many doves that came during the day. Early in the morning or towards the evening I sometimes took a refreshing bath in the Sterkstroom.
In this way we spent 15 very good years on Wilhelmsruh, lonely and secluded, idyllic and still so close to my main
job, the congregation in Bethanie!! People had hurt me when they evicted me from my self-built house in Bethanie, but
the Lord our God turned everything for the better and guided me since otherwise I would probably not have built and
lived on Waaikraal so free and so beautiful and as a lord!! 30 years cramped in Bethanie and 15 years beautifully free in Wilhelmsruh and now 16 years in my own home as an old man of many years alongside my much beloved wife that God had given me as a gift! Truly, I cannot be grateful enough! I would probably also not have left Wilhelmsruh on Waaikraal and would not have moved to Wilhelmsruh in Brits if they had not found the gold mine close to my house in 1925 that changed everything.

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