Page 311 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 311

Matthew 19
and through the bush he could start burning bricks and building
a small house and could then eventually fetch his family from Ehlanzani. Again, he spent three years building, cultivating a bit of land below a water pipe from the stream, giving school classes to us and two Zulu boys, visiting the kraals and holding sermons. Otherwise, little happened. Contact to the outside world was limited. A two-wheel cart with six oxen had to get everything for the three stations Elembeni, Emhlangane and Müden right from Hermannsburg.
Eventually, in 1863, after Superintendent Hardeland in the company of Missionary K. Hohls and my father had obtained permission from the government of the S.A. Republic in Potchefstroom, my father, Missionary Kaiser and : were sent to Transvaal to start the mission near Sechele in Bechuanaland. My father was nominated as the chairperson of the Bechuana Mission. Nothing came of the mission station at Sechele and my father and the other missionaries had to sit in Linokane and wait to see what else could be done.
Then, unexpectedly, but with the guidance of the Lord the
calling to the Bakwena in the Rustenburg District came. That
was the beginning of today’s Bechuana Mission with its 35 large congregations. Father came to Mandabule on 29 November 1864, started Bethanie and

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