Page 35 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 35
started making a big jug of coffee every now and then and
my father made tobacco so that the women could get a cup
of coffee and the men a bit of tobacco after the service. Often there were up to 100 adults that came, they listened well; particularly one man who could then answer questions well and later my father asked him to repeat the sermon in his way in front of the congregation. He was called “umfundisi” – teacher. But he did not manage to go any further.
Father also built a church with a door, windows and a thatched roof. He himself burnt the bricks, did the bricklaying and the thatching. He also started a school with my sister Marie and myself and he succeeded in one heathen sending him two boys to be taught. Their names were Dunge and Nyamane. So we were four children in the school and the classes were given
in two languages: German and Zulu. After school I walked through the veld with the two boys and we played, herded the calves, looked after the cattle and the horse. What else should we have done? There were no toys in those times and nobody knew about games. The monkey and the crow also were a lot of fun to us.