Page 55 - The Diary of A. H. W. Behrens
P. 55
maize. We slept in a hut, our heads resting on the saddles, that was one third full of goats. Two billy goats started fighting and jumped over the low wall to our side in the darkness and it was a big muddle. We were very glad when dawn came.
The next morning we paid with beads and small mirrors for our night’s lodging and horse fodder and we were then shown the path to the mission station of Missionary Filter where we arrived at noon and were refreshed with food and drinks.
We stayed for a few days and from there we visited the Missionaries Weber and Wagner at their stations.
No congregations anywhere, just sermons to heathens, so the very beginning. Then Missionary Filter got himself ready
to ride with us to Mpande’s kraal. He was a tall, heavy man and had two horses that he rode alternately, because one of them would not have managed to carry him for the whole
day. At noon we rested at a stream under a large baobab tree that was full of fruits. In the stream there were many yellow fish that chased each other for every bit of bread crust that
we threw into the water. In darkness we passed the large
kraal of Umpande and eventually arrived at the station of the Swedish Missionary Dahl where we were received with great hospitality.