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The business case for gender The TenacITy programme is aimed at women with people management or
diversity is well made. We know project management responsibility in bands 4, 5 and high potential 6’s. The
that organisations with diverse 3-day interactive virtual programme (2+1 day format with a gap of six weeks 1 UNDERSTAND
leadership teams enjoy higher to embed learning) is delivered to 12 participants and includes an individual, THE PROBLEM
levels of performance and post-programme, 90 min coaching session.
profitability (McKinsey. Diversity
wins: How inclusion matters, 2 EXPLORE
2020). Business functions where THE SITUATION
innovation and agility are
paramount require tenacious
leaders who can quickly grip a I used the Five Step Process to help a specific piece of work that was 3 DECIDE
situation, solve problems and ‘going round in circles’. Working with a colleague, who also attended the COURSE OF ACTION
lead the way. The world of IT is a course, we put together a Mission Statement and Action Plan to move
challenging and ever-changing the project forward. It is now close to resolution as a direct result of that
environment where leaders and activity. EXECUTE
For Empowered Female Leaders
managers at all levels are - Participant Feedback 4 THE PLAN
required to make decisions with It is a huge step for us to open up, to talk to someone and each other
limited time, resources and honestly about what we think and what barriers we experience at work.
information. Female leaders can - Participant Feedback REVIEW
bring essential perspectives and 5 OUTCOME & EMBED
cultural dynamics that help build LESSONS LEARNT
high performing teams.
The programme incorporates:
is an assessment tool that provides a comprehensive measurement of an Competencies
individual’s strengths and the extent to which these are applied productively at work. An individual & Capabilities
feedback report enables participants to deploy their strengths to best effect and identify development Address barriers believed to
areas. affect the ability to have a
RESOLVE: a Five Step Problem Solving Process drawn from Mission Analysis, the military approach to fulfilling career at the Bank
analysing problems and making decisions under pressure. Develop self-awareness and
90 MINS build more effective
1-2-1 WITH EACH relationships
DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 PARTICIPANT Build on strengths to improve
personal impact and
6 WEEKS Conduct courageous
conversations and manage
Follow a problem-solving
informed decisions
Lead with confidence and
through collaboration
Inspire and champion greater
inclusion within the Bank