Page 47 - PCMI Journal December 2021
P. 47
Maintenance Tips For PCM Etching Equipment Kirk Lauver, Marketing and Customer Lab Manager, Chemcut Corporatio1n2, U/6S/21
Maintenance Tips For PCM Etching Equipment Lubrication For Plastics
• Many oils and greases will damage PVC and cause it to "Stick”
• Common Mineral Oil Lubricants That Should be Avoided on PVC
Maintenance Tips For PCM Etching Equipment Preferred Lubricants For Plastic
Look for “plastic safe” lubricants, usually “wax” or silicone based • Laboratory stopcock or vacuum grease
• Silicone dielectric grease used in automotive ignition
Both of these have very low vapor pressure, are chemically inert, not water soluble, and can tolerate very high temperatures (well above even CPVC machines)
Issue 138 December 2021 PCMI Journal 47