Page 66 - PCMI Summer Journal 2021
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       PCMI Online Employee Training Webinar
PCMI is pleased to present an employee development webinar that will give PCM companies the educational tools needed to provide new workers with the knowledge necessary to perform effectively.
 Module # 3
4 Inspection,defectsand quality control
4 Rivaland complementary processes - the economics of PCM
in comparison to other manufacturing techniques
4 Thestrengthsof,and opportunities for, PCM as a production process
 Module # 1
4 Introduction to PCM products and the principles of PCM and part design
4 Photoresisttypesand suppliers
4 Theroleofphotoresists and etch factors in successful chemical etching
 Module # 2
4 Metalsandtheir etchants
4 Theimportanceof maintaining constant etchant composition and the role of etchant regeneration
4 Health,safetyand environmental aspects of PCM and associated legislation
PCMI | 11 Robert Toner Blvd., #234 | North Attleboro, MA 02763 508-385-0085 | |
  The A-Z of Photochemical Machining Presented by David Allen, Emeritus Professor, Cranfield University
Short Course Webinar
 Issue 137 August 2021 PCMI Journal 66

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