P. 40
ISLA 320
Topics and Issues in Values, Media and Culture
The five-minute time limit means you need to be concise and efficient with presenting your research results. The goal of this assignment is to select a film from a particular decade, and to determine how that film reflected the time in which is was made. Considering the socio-political environment, as well as major events, style and art movements, search for articles, reviews, and analysis about the films. The major films will have plenty written about them. In order to watch the films, there are a number of free websites that have the films online, as well as, in some cases, Netflix, Youtube, Amazon Prime, and AMC.
1. Introduce yourself
2. Sharethenameofthefilmyouchose,theyear,directorandstudio
3. Explainthethemeofthefilm
4. Giveabriefexplanationoftheplot(threeactstructure,protagonistand
antagonist, heroes journey)
5. Giveasummaryofwhatwashappeningatthattimethatinfluencedthefilmor
how the film influenced the era in which it was made (this can include political or
social thought, style, catch phrases, and rends)
6. Explainwhatsourcesyouusedtocometoyourviewpoint
7. Feelfreetopresentanyopposingviewpointsorcontradictoryinformation
8. Restateyourconclusions
9. Contactinfoifyoulike
Feel free to make a power point presentation if it enhances your delivery. Clips are fine but should not take up more than two- three minutes of the presentation. There will be a brief opportunity for Q&A, and you can post your contact info at the end for folks with follow-up questions or thoughts.
ADDITIONAL HINTS (useful for interviews too!)
1. Wear blue - who doesn’t like blue, any blue from midnight to baby
2. Introduceyourself–mightbeawkwardbutcourtesyiscontagious
3. AskaYESquestion–buildconsensus
4. Bepostureperfect–keepthemchakrasopen!
5. Stickyeyes–eyecontact,gentleandsincereisalwaysappreciated.Always answer the person asking the question directly.