Page 146 - Demo
P. 146

 Key Ratios: (Comparative ratios are annualised)
Interest income as a percentage to working funds Non-interest income as a percentage to working funds operating profit as a percentage to working funds Business (deposits plus gross advances) per employee (`) profit per employee (`)
EPS (Basic) (`) EPS (Diluted) (`)
Highlights of the year under review:
• pAtoftheBankforthefinancialyearendedMarch31, 2020 stands at `349.92 Crores.
• overallpARstandsat2.7%against1.5%inMarch,2019.
• nnpA at 0.2% against 0.3% in March, 2019.
• Bankrepaidalmostallofitshighcostlegacyborrowings, which constituted only 1% of its total outstanding borrowings and deposits as of March 31, 2020.
• CostoffundsoftheBankreducedfrom8.5%attheend of March 2019 to 8.2% in March, 2020.
• The Deposit book stood at `10,780 Crores spanning 42.1 Lakhs accounts at the end of March, 2020.
• CASA book stood at `1,459 Crores, Time Deposits (excluding CDs) stood at `8,474 Crores of which institutional deposits stood at `5,042 Crores.
• Certificate of deposits stood at `847 Crores.
Cost to Income Ratio reduced to 67.4%, from 76.5% in FY 2019-20 on account of economies of scale, cost control initiatives and process improvements.
Profitability: Pre-tax profits – `466.24 crores and Post- tax profits – `349.92 Crores for the financial year ended march 31, 2020.
liSting Of equity ShareS Of the Bank thrOugh iPO
In terms of the RBI In-Principle Approval, RBI Final Approval and Guidelines for licensing of “Small Finance Banks” in the private sector issued by RBI on november 27, 2014 (“SFB licensing Guidelines”), the Bank was required to list its equity shares on the Stock exchange within 3 (three) years from the date of commencement of business of the Bank, i.e., by January 31, 2020.
the Bank came up with an Ipo of 202,702,702 equity shares of face value of `10 each for cash at a price of `37 per equity share (including a share premium of `27 per equity share) aggregating to `7,459.46 Million.
17.28% 1.94% 2.93%
11,344,358 153,279 1.20 1.20
the aforesaid Ipo included a reservation of 20,270,270 equity shares, aggregating to `709.46 Million, for subscription by eligible shareholders of uFSl.
A discount of `2 per equity share was offered to eligible shareholders of UFSL bidding in the aforesaid reservation portion.
The subscription to the IPO was open from December 02, 2019 to December 04, 2019 and the Bank’s IPO witnessed a historic response from the Investors and was oversubscribed by ~170 times.
The IPO had the distinction of being one of the most successful Ipos in the financial services sector in recent times.
pursuant to the Ipo, the equity shares of the Bank got listed on BSE and NSE on December 12, 2019.
The Bank, as part of its IPO, had undertaken Pre- Ipo placement of 71,428,570 equity shares by way of preferential issue on private placement basis at a price of `35 per equity shares for cash consideration.
Transfer to Reserves
A. Statutory Reserve
The Bank has transferred `87.48 Crores to statutory reserves pursuant to the requirements of Section 17 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and RBI guidelines dated September 23, 2000.
B. Investment Fluctuation Reserve ("IFR")
The Bank has made an appropriation of `5.53 Crores (previous year: `9.70 Crores) out of profits for the financial year ended March 31, 2020 to the IFR pursuant to the RBI notification RBI/2017- 18/147 dated April 02, 2018.
The Bank has formulated and implemented a Dividend Distribution policy pursuant to Regulation 43A of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“SEBI Listing Regulations”) and RBI Requirements
financial year ended march 31, 2020
financial year ended march 31, 2019
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