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 and direction will be very valuable in achieving Bank’s mission of creating a state-of-the-art mass market bank.
*His appointment is effective after the closure of the financial year ended March 31, 2020.
B. resignations
mr. Sachin Bansal
Din: 02356346
He had resigned as an Independent Director w.e.f January 27, 2020.
Reason of Resignation: He had confirmed that he had resigned from the Bank's Board in the interest of propriety and corporate governance as an entity owned and controlled by him has made an application to the RBI for a universal banking license and there were no other material reasons.
Mr. Sunil Vinayak Patel
Din: 00050837
Reason of Resignation: As per the extent RBI Guidelines, he was not eligible to be reappointed as Chairman of the Bank as he had attained 70 (Seventy) years of age. Accordingly, he had tendered his resignation as Independent Director of the Bank w.e.f February 01, 2020 (post completion of his tenor as Part-time Chairman of the Bank on January 31, 2020).
Further, he had confirmed that he had resigned due to personal reasons and commitments and there were no other material reasons.
mr. luis miranda
Din: 01055493
Reason of Resignation: He was having common directorship between the Bank, which is an Insurance Intermediary and Manipal Cigna Health Insurance Company limited, an Insurance Company and such common directorship may pose potential conflict of interest in terms of provisions of Section 48A of the Insurance Act, 1938 which per se restricts such common directorship. To uphold the principles of good corporate governance, he had opted to resign as an Independent Director of the Bank with effect from March 22, 2020.
He had confirmed that except the reasons stated above, there were no other material reasons for his resignation.
C. Retirements/Cessation
Mr. Sanjay Jain
Din: 02559601
Pursuant to the Loan Agreements between SIDBI and Bank, SIDBI had appointed vide its letter dated
May 07, 2018, Mr. Sanjay Jain as its nominee, not liable to retire by rotation, on the Board of the Bank.
He ceased to be nominee Director of the Bank w.e.f May 09, 2019 as SIDBI appointed/nominated Ms. Chitra K Alai as its Nominee on the Board of the Bank w.e.f May 09, 2019.
Ms. Vandana Viswanathan
Din: 05192578
Ms. Vandana Viswanathan was liable to retire by rotation and retired at 3rd AGM held on July 12, 2019 and, being eligible, had offered herself for reappointment.
The members of the Bank appointed her as Non- Executive, Non-Independent Director at 3rd AGM held on July 12, 2019.
Mr. Samit Kumar Ghosh
Din: 00185369
Mr. Samit Kumar Ghosh completed his tenor as the Managing Director and CEO of the Bank on November 30, 2019.
Mr. Sunil Vinayak Patel
Din: 00050837
Mr. Sunil Vinayak patel completed his tenor as the part-time Chairman of the Bank on January 31, 2020.
Mr. Jayanta Kumar Basu
Din: 01268046
Mr. Jayanta Kumar Basu would be retiring by rotation at the ensuing 4th AGM and, being eligible, offers himself for reappointment as Director (non- executive, non-Independent). He shall be liable to retire by rotation in terms of Section 152 of the Companies Act, 2013.
D. Re-Designated/Re-Categorised
Ms. Vandana Viswanathan
Din: 05192578
Ms. Vandana Viswanathan was Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director of the Bank and was appointed/re-designated as Director (Independent) pursuant to resolution passed by the members of the Bank in the extraordinary General Meeting held on August 03, 2019 for a term of five consecutive years commencing September 22, 2019 up to September 21, 2024.
Ms. Mona Kachhwaha
Din: 01856801
Ms. Mona Kachhwaha was an Independent Director of the Bank and she was re-categorised from Independent Director to Non-Executive, Non- Independent Director of the Bank w.e.f. September 22, 2019 whose office is liable to retire by rotation.

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