Page 183 - Demo
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 g. Complying with Regulation 25(7) of SeBI listing Regulations and RBI guidelines, Familiarisation programmes were conducted during FY ended March 31, 2020 to give an overview and introduction to the Independent Directors about the Bank’s business and operations. Further, under the Familiarisation Programme for the Independent Directors, newly appointed independent directors are appraised with the organisation structure, operational overview, financial overview, board matters and procedures, key risk issues and its mitigation strategy among others.
The details of such programme is available on the website of the Bank at corporate-governance-policies.
h. In compliance with Section 10A and other applicable provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and other laws applicable to the Bank, as on March 31, 2020, the Bank has a well-diversified Board having required skills, expertise and competencies.
the Board has identified core skills/expertise/ competencies in the area of Banking and Finance, Human Resource Management, Corporate and Investment Banking, Accountancy and taxation,
Nature of Core Skills/Expertise/Competencies
Information technology, Micro Finance, Agriculture, Small Scale Industry and Rural economy which are required in the context of Bank’s business and sector to function effectively.
i. Bank has an enriched Board with the following skills, expertise and competencies:
 Sr. no.
 Name of the director
  Core Skills/Expertise/ Competencies
 1. Mr. Biswamohan Mahapatra
2. Mr. Nitin Chugh
3. Ms. Vandana Viswanathan
4. Mr. Nandlal Sarda
5. Mr. Prabal Kumar Sen
6. Mr. Mahadev lakshminarayanan
7. Ms. Mona Kachhwaha
8. Mr. Jayanta Kumar Basu
9. Ms. Chitra K Alai
Banking and Finance
Human Resource Management
Information technology
Agriculture, Rural economy, economic Research, Planning & Development
Accountancy, taxation and Finance
Micro Finance, Housing, Small Scale Industry and Investments
Corporate and Investment Banking
Small Scale Industry
Small Scale Industry
Rural economy
economy Research, Planning & Development
Accountancy Taxation
Micro Finance
Corporate and Investment Banking
Investments Housing Information technology Human Resource Management
Number of Director

   181   182   183   184   185